“The answers lie in the space between thoughts… Are they yours? Or somebody else’s? What is true, and what is not” #Opism  ‼️WHERE YOU ARE GOING‼️   Do you ever think Or maybe not That a message is  Within a thought   To you delivered From the heart Or maybe much higher When the UniverseContinue reading “‼️WHERE YOU ARE GOING‼️”


‼️INSURANCE‼️ 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🚙🚙🚙😡😡😡 Insurance is like a crutch You don’t need it very much It helps but a little And robs you a lot And controls the drivers clutch To drive in a car is a privilege To walk on your own is freedom The rate of increase Or walk in it’s place Every year theyContinue reading “‼️INSURANCE‼️”