‼️UPON THIS SHELF‼️ I look at others and I do see What I don’t have inside of me I’m all alone beside myself Atop a wooden empty shelf I look below an endless pit I look above and feel misfit To the left and then the right I try so hard with all my mightContinue reading “‼️UPON THIS SHELF‼️”



Your Happiness Is Served…😀👇 ‼️HAPPINESS‼️ “Motivate your future With the happiness of today Celebrate all steps With life all the way” #Opism ‼️HAPPINESS‼️ A sense of well being Where value is felt A life with meaning Where joy reaches out Feeling content Lucky and joyful Safe and secure A smile wearing playful Pleasure is gainedContinue reading “‼️HAPPINESS‼️”


Here I stand What you see Is a woman This outer me When I cry Some call me weak But when you do It’s me you seek When I fight Some call me witch But when you do It is rich When I scream You call me mad And when you do It’s me that’sContinue reading “‼️BECAUSE I AM A WOMAN‼️”


“It’s time you don’t trustWhen in a rushThere’s life to be foundWhen you slowdown”#Opism