Tears need time

Rain needs space

Let them both fall

Upon your face

If you’re crying

You are living

What you feel

Is some grieving

Where there is loss

And heartfelt sorrow

There is a lesson

And a moral

It’s hard to want

What you can’t have

And nothing ever

Makes you laugh

Hurting symptoms

From abuse

Selfish wants

Are obtuse

It doesn’t matter

How you feel

The truest pain

To you is real

Confused, bewildered

Out of place

Hurt, shocked

So misplaced

Brought to you

And served from others

These are the ones

We call our brothers

Some intentions

Are quite accurate

Some are trying

On some wit



What’s around

And what you see

Brought to you

Without your blessing

This is your life

And it’s compressing

You can’t stop

What is around you


Is inside you

Allow the storm

To bring the tears

It’s ok

They wash fears

Every raindrop

Ever formed

Needs a place

To be born

And when they land

They form a puddle

But after time

It’s just a drizzle

The space is needed

In between

Puddles don’t fall

Nature is queen

Living the storm

Rain takes space

And time for tears

To fall down your face

After the storm

The crying is done

The space that was taken

Is replaced by the sun

You will be ok

With some time

When you are ready

You will be fine


Published by PaulaG

I am a deep thinker, lover of thoughts, a prolific writer sharing my words. In sharing I am caring. I am a member of the human race with an appetite to motivate, inspire, empower and provoke thinking. I stand for dignity in humanity. I am compelled to a vision that we are all here for a reason, life is like a deck of cards... “My cards. My deal. Life is learning the game!” #opism What is OPISM? I have come up with this term as my nick name is Op and they are my own quotes representing a moral doctorine belief system. Thus...Op+ism=Opism. #opism My Motto! “Dignity is Free” How I live...Embracing Dignity My professional experience is disbursed across industries from financial services and sales to that of personal and emergency care. As one who has trained and coached, mentored and taught; it has become a passion within to witness and feel joy in the achievement and success of others that I have been associated with. I am a lifelong learner and have created and facilitated various training materials. It is through such experience that I discovered the power of positive feedback in both professional and personal manners. I am self disciplined, accountable, determined, humble, loyal and adaptive; but above all I value my integrity! I am a decent human being. It is with my greatest pleasure to share with others the power of positive words.

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